Iconic Typography Ideas – Graphic Design and Marketing

Good typography ideas in graphic design and marketing are tough to come by. We’ve shared a lot of thoughts on body copy and even more on our favorite and least favorite fonts… but what about type as art? One thing to keep in mind: Make it meaningful. The problem...

Effective Body Copy Design – Graphic Design & Marketing (Part I)

Graphic design and marketing is about making things attractive and effective. If you follow our blog, you probably know that we have a lot of opinions about typography. Mostly, we have addressed headers and titles… now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty and...

Our Favorite Fonts in Graphic Design and Marketing

Ah fonts. Everyone who is anyone in graphic design and marketing has an opinion or two about them, right? Since our goal is to be iconic in the marketing industry, we thought we would share our thoughts on fonts, too. (First, a clarification. If you follow our blog,...